How Trump Will Return
BE ENCOURAGED! God is telling us that there is a strengthening of the ties between Donald Trump & the Church, and Trump shall be reinstated.
Will Trump Return?
Many have prophesied that Donald Trump will return to office, while others dismiss that claim. What are the facts?
Revolutionary Transformation
The Lord is not through with America, but is seeking those who would commit themselves to Revolutionary transformation of cities across America and the world.
God’s Warning Dream
This is how it starts. They build covid quarantine camps to put people in who don't obey orders. These are tactics from 1938 Germany.
Israel & the Fig Leaf
The establishment of Israel was supposed to be the marking point for the return of Christ....but now it's 70 years later.
Prophecy: Our Finest Hour
The Lord gave me a prophetic dream indicating that this is the Church's Finest Hour!