About Lou Comunale
Lou Comunale’s background has been is in both Christian ministry and major news networks. After decades of being a Christian (Lou got saved when still a teen!) and working for various ministries, God deigned for him to create a news website incorporating both aspects of his background – news and ministry – without the Christian trappings that can cause some in the world to immediately disregard the truth.
News2morrow began simply by showing how regular news events were leading to the return of the Lord, in the hopes of convincing a secular audience and winning souls. That was always the objective. However, God has been moving Lou more recently into teaching the body of Christ the real “News2morrow” of His return and the events that will lead to it – and that means, in part, disputing the groundless pre-trib rapture theory and laying out accurately God’s end-time plans.
News2morrow wants to help change the culture of the nation;
from one that follows sin to one that follows righteousness.
Eschatology, by the way, has always been at the forefront of Lou’s interests.
“After my last job in ministry,” says Lou, “I waved my resume before the Lord and I said I wanted to work for You, Lord.” At the time he owned a home in Long Island, NY and the Lord spoke to him about selling that home and moving to an unknown location. By the time the home went up for sale, Lou knew where he was headed – Texas.
“When I got there,” Lou continues, “the Lord told me to rest. So for six to eight months I didn’t work but I just spent more time with the Lord, meditating on His word, cultivating hearing His voice, worshipping and praising Him.”
Then during the summer of 2017, the Lord prompted Lou’s spirit to write his first book, “Escape the Coming Antichrist – When the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Fails (and it will!).”
Says Lou, “I know the Lord will use my teachings to teach the church a much needed truth about the end times. We’ve been blindsided with the pre-trib error for decades and it will ill-prepare the Church for the days ahead, unless they embrace this Mindshift of truth.”
Lou’s just a simple man, trying to fulfill his destiny in Christ Jesus before he goes to be with Him. Each day Lou hears from the Lord about what he needs to do next.
We trust this website and the teachings contained therein will be a blessing to all.
About News2morrow
Then the Lord gave me revelation in January 2016 about what His plans were for America. A major component of His plans was to put long-shot Donald Trump into the presidency.
In this Mindshift video, you will see the late prophet John Paul Jackson interpreting a dream calling for a BULLDOZER who would come and destroy the PLANS OF MAN. The revelation that the Lord gave me was that the BULLDOZER was Donald Trump.
Some may speculate that the PLANS OF MAN prevailed over Donald Trump by stealing his reelection of 2020. We at News2morrow still believe the prophets who say that Trump will indeed be reinstalled as president as widespread election fraud is exposed and those responsible are prosecuted.
The PLANS OF MAN are the plans of the deep state attempting to bring the world into a “reset” of its New World Order. Their first order of business was to bring down America, remove Trump from office and continue its lockdown to control the world.
However, we know that God’s not through with America. How do we know that? Because Donald Trump did not fulfill his role of bulldozing the plans of man. That will come when Trump is reinstalled into the presidency.
Another aspect of the prophetic dream in the Mindshift video is that after the removal of the plans of man there would be an unprecedented time of “refreshing.” That time has yet to come, therefore we know that Jesus is not finished with America or with Donald Trump.
God shifted us from “doom and gloom” to the reality of the American Awakening, which is coming, and it will spread worldwide in scope. Christ is still coming back, but He’s got a HARVEST in mind, and is preparing a people who will be ready for His return. News2morrow is now far more interested in preparing the remnant who are ready to carry out the greatest exploits amidst a rapidly changing world.
We foresee a time of awakening in this nation that will touch every facet of life. We expect Trump to return to office before 2022 as the prophets have said. We expect many arrests to occur dismantling the deep state operatives in America. We expect to see the overturn of the abortion ruling of Roe V Wade. We expect that America will be awakened for, at least, a number of decades.
We foresee that God will use Trump in the same way that God used Jeremiah (1:10): “See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”
We believe that the Lord will use Donald Trump as the Bulldozer, that he is, to “root out, pull down, destroy and throw down” the corrupted governmental foundations, that have so paralyzed our institutions and destroyed our moral bearings.
We believe that the Lord will provide solid Godly leadership in America even beyond Trump’s return to office. And our responsibility is to encourage the body of Christ for our greatest days to come.
Lou Comunale
Our Christian Beliefs
- We believe that Jesus is Lord, born of a virgin, who came from Father God and is God.
- We believe in the operations of the Holy Spirit, who is the third member of the Godhead.
- We believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, as powerful today as it ever was.
- We believe that we need to live by every word of God.
- We believe in ministering angels, miracles & prophecies.
- We believe that Jesus is coming soon.
- We believe in submitting to Jesus as Lord and hearing personally from the Holy Spirit for our daily lives.